Season 2 Episode 1 PhD Seminar

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom

Elizabeth Sarah Long (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

7th meeting of physics PhD seminar series

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    • 18:00 18:05
      Introduction 5m
    • 18:05 18:25
      A neutron star is born 20m

      Neutron stars (NSs) are compact objects that mark the end of a massive star's life and the dawn of an exquisite astrophysical laboratory. Reaching densities of 3-10 times the nuclear saturation density, one can study the details of strong interactions that are inaccessible with experiments on Earth and test the limits of general relativity in phenomena such as a binary NS merger. Gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy and electromagnetic missions such as NICER have consolidated a golden era of NS data and point to a bright future. In this presentation, I introduce some basic concepts about NSs, some mechanisms of GW emission and their correlation with microphysical aspects.

      Speaker: Lucas Tonetto Coimbra (Sapienza University of Rome)
    • 18:25 18:35
      Discussion 10m
    • 18:35 18:55
      Dark Photon Searches at ATLAS 20m

      One of the most compelling Dark Matter hypotheses is that it constitutes a whole sector of new particles. This hypothesis has recently been investigated in various experiments.
      The minimal Dark Sector model foresees an interaction similar to the electromagnetic one, mediated by the so-called Dark Photon which is massive and decays into SM particles.
      So far, 11% of Higgs boson decays are unknown, leaving room for the possibility that it decays into Dark Sector particles.
      According to the dark photon decay time, different signatures may be produced in the LHC ATLAS detector, thus various searches that look for these different signatures are carried out.

      Speaker: Elena Pompa Pacchi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 18:55 19:05
      Discussion 10m