10 December 2021
Accademia delle Scienze (Academy of Sciences) of the Institute of Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

In the past years, there have been impressive developments in our understanding of precision calculations in Quantum Field Theory. From the first evaluation of the one-loop radiative corrections to the g-2 of the electron in QED, completed by Schwinger more than 70 years ago, precision calculations have reached astonishing complexity, both in the number of virtual loops considered and in the number of particles involved. 

Many of these developments have been possible thanks to new techniques, largely based on the automated solutions of so-called integration-by-parts identities, on the method of differential equations for Feynman integrals and on the study and classifications of properties of special functions. Prof. Ettore Remiddi, with his collaborators, has contributed to establish many of these ideas and to bring them to fruition, in the first instance with the completion of the ground breaking calculation of the three-loop corrections to the g-2 of the electron in QED. In this workshop, we bring together world-experts on the field of precision calculations in Quantum Field Theory, with the intent to celebrate these achievements and point towards a possible path beyond them.

Important note: Attendance "in person" for registrants cannot be guaranteed and needs further approval by the organizers, due to limited availability in compliance with anti-Covid regulations.

Zoom link: Click here to connect.

Confirmed speakers: 

  • Giorgio Parisi
  • Riccardo Barbieri
  • David Broadhurst
  • Thomas Gehrmann
  • Stefano Laporta
  • Pietro Menotti
  • Giampiero Passarino
  • Massimo Passera
  • Stefan Weinzierl
  • Antonio Vairo

Local organizers: Fabio Maltoni, Tiziano Peraro

External organizers: Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Lorenzo Tancredi



Accademia delle Scienze (Academy of Sciences) of the Institute of Bologna
Sala Ulisse
Via Zamboni, 31, 40126 Bologna
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