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DS-Mat regular meeting



DS Material Meeting Minutes 05/10/2021 (L. Luzzi):


1. Status of the assay campaign (Krzysztof)

1.1 New report from Stefano about foils, submitted in 2019: a new assay was done last month and number was uploaded in the database today;

2.1 new results of connectors made with Po-extracion from Kracow;

2.2 Saverio sent samples of connectors to LNGS for Ge screening and ICPMS;

2.3 Thomasz tries to start analysis of connectors and the cable for isolation this week.


2. Results of Po-210 and Pb-210 in Gd oxide (Thomasz): two samples measured in Kracow, two measurements each. Let’s bring this offline because Bianca couldn’t attend the meeting.


3. From LSC: no news.


4. Status of cross calibration (Vicente): received an email from Paul from Boulby, they finished the assay of 2 different samples. The samples will come to Canfranc and the others will go back to SNOLAB. The results are available. We should discuss those first among few people. Vicente and Chris organize a preliminary restricted meeting.


5. (gamma, n) on deuterium (Shawn): How much this bkg affects the measurement? Which are the materials that contribute more in deposition in the acrylic? How many gammas come to the acrylic? We have to make a simulation to prove that this bkg is negligible respect to the (alpha, n) one. Sam and Daria could try to answer these question and we rediscuss this next week.


4. R.A. neutron budget (Maxim): No news.


5. Uncertainty of neutron yields (Gosia): started recently the analysis for new plan C, as some material defintion are the same of plan A sould be easy to do. Digging into that trying to find all the information to solve some inconsistencies. Let’s discuss this offline with Maxim and Vicente too. The first table for Plan C will be available as soon as possible.


6. Surface contamination (Roberto). We had a meeting last week: the idea was to wake up the whole collaboration about surface contamination protocols. There is a proposal now to organize a working group, and the message now is clear and the collaboration has reacted. We should choose the people who take charge of every aspect of this. It is not clear how but something is going on.


7. We recombine next week with the usual meeting or with another background call to discuss the preparation of TDR checking the progress made in different backgrounds. Discuss it during this week


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Status of the assay campaign
      Speaker: Krzysztof Pelczar (Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University)
    • 2
      Material composition and verification. Next P.O.
      Speaker: Vicente Pesudo (CIEMAT)
    • 3
      G,n on deuterium
      Speaker: Shawn Westerdale (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 4
      R.A. neutron budget
      Speaker: Maxim Gromov (SINP MSU)
    • 5
      Uncertainty of neutron yields - Status and Plans
      Speaker: Malgorzata Haranczyk (Jagiellonian University)
    • 6
      Surface contamination:Plans for next weeks
      Speakers: Grzegorz Zuzel (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland), Oscar Azzolini (LNL)