Due to current restrictions aimed to curb the COVID19 pandemia, participants will be required to have, through the Conference, a valid Super Green Pass recognized within the European Union.
On December 15, 2021, Italian Government introduced -for a number of activities- the requirement of a "Super Green Pass" throught the Country, until 31/3/2022 for. Super GP is obtained by people (age>12) vaccinated(*) against (by less than 6 months from second dose) or have recovered (in the last six months) from Covid-19 (alike the German 2G system).
The list of recognised vaccines by the European Authority - EMA - is available here.
From January 10, 2022 only people with SGP will be allowed (among other things) to:
- enter Hotels, restaurant, etc.
- use of scheduled (public or private) transportation;
- participate in Conferences, meetings etc
- use of skiing resorts
Therefore all participants are required to have a valid SGP pass, that will be checked first at the Hotel entrance, and everyday to attend the Conference. Moreover face mask (chirurgical type or FFP2) is mandatory in Italy until 3/31/2022, and use of FFP2 is mandatory on public transportation.
General info on the situation in Italy can be found here
(*) with vaccines recognized by European Union Agency EMA
More information on the EU Digital Covid Certificate can be obtained at this link