6–11 Dec 2010
CNR headquarter
Europe/Rome timezone

Discrete symmetries and models of flavor mixing

9 Dec 2010, 09:45
Aula Convegni, Ground floor (CNR headquarter)

Aula Convegni, Ground floor

CNR headquarter

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma


Prof. Alexei Smirnov (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)


Evidences of the discrete symmetries behind the pattern of lepton mixing are analyzed. Various possible ways are considered to extend the symmetries to the quark sector. There are generic features and problems of realization of the discrete symmetries in consistent gauge models. The key issues include the symmetry breaking, connection of mixing and masses, introduction of new particles, etc.. Observational consequences of the symmetries and their future experimental tests are discussed.

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