6–11 Dec 2010
CNR headquarter
Europe/Rome timezone

Gauged non-Abelian discrete family symmetries

7 Dec 2010, 17:25
Aula Bisogno, 1st floor (CNR headquarter)

Aula Bisogno, 1st floor

CNR headquarter

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma
T, C, P, CP symmetries, Accidental symmetries (B, L conservation) T, C, P, CP symmetries, accidental symmetries (B, L cons.) (6)


Dr Christoph Luhn (University of Southampton)


Non-Abelian discrete family symmetries have been adopted in numerous models which try to explain the triplication of chiral families and describe the observed tri-bimaximal pattern of the leptonic mixing matrix. In my talk I motivate and discuss a possible gauge origin of such a discrete family symmetry. How does the remnant family symmetry arise in this scenario? What are the resulting implications for model building?

Primary author

Dr Christoph Luhn (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials