In this work, we studied the structure of the pf-shell N=Z nucleus $^{52}$Fe with relativistic radioactive ion beam techniques to reveal the collectivity in this region. $^{52}$Fe presents an interesting case in which we see the onset of a collective structure that is more common nuclear property in heavier nuclei. We deduced the reduced transition probability of the 0$_{gs}^{+}$ $\rightarrow$ 2$_{1}^{+}$ and 0$_{gs}^{+}$ $\rightarrow$ 2$_{2}^{+}$ transitions by measuring the relativistic Coulomb excitation cross sections using state-of-the-art detectors AGATA at GSI [1, 2]. Our results deviate from two other previously reported BE(2) values [3, 4]. The reduced transition probability of a third state, observed in this study, will also be exhaustively discussed. The results will be interpreted in the framework of the LSSM.
[1] The AGATA Collaboration, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 668 (March) (2012), 26.
[2] C. Domingo-Pardo, et al. Nucl. Ins. and Meth. in Phys. Res. Sec. A 694 (2012) 297
[3] K. L. Yurkewicz, et al. Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 034301.
[4] K. Arnswald, et al. Physics Letters B 772 (2017) 599 – 606.