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moskov amaryan
- Speaker at Strangeness photoproduction
- Yasmine Amhis (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
Harut Avagyan
(Jefferson Lab)
- Speaker at Summary talk - experiments
Alessandro Bacchetta
- Speaker at Summary talk - theory
Marco Battaglieri
- Speaker at Hadron spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12
- Angela Bracco (Universita' degli Studi di Milano - INFN)
William Brooks
(Universidad Técnica Federica Santa María)
- Speaker at Quark hadronization in the nuclear medium
- Volker Burkert (Jefferson Lab)
Mario Calvetti
- Speaker at Welcome
- Ekaterina Christova
- Evaristo Cisbani (ISS)
Marco Contalbrigo
- Speaker at A RICH detector for CLAS12
- Aurore Courtoy (PV)
- Alexander Danilyuk (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis)
Raffaele De Leo
- Speaker at The HERMES RICH detector
- Latifa Elouadrhiri (JLAB)
- Roger Forty
Kai Gallmeister
- Speaker at Hadronization in cold nuclear matter
- Haiyan Gao
Isabella Garzia
(INFN Ferrara)
- Speaker at Fragmentation functions at e+e- machines
- Francesca Giordano (DESY, Hamburg)
- Stephen Gliske
- Keith Griffioen (College of William & Mary)
- Kawtar Hafidi Hafidi (Argonne National Laboratory)
Matthias Hoek
- Speaker at DIRC Counters for the PANDA experiments
- Toru Iijima
Aram Kotzinian
- Speaker at (Anti)Lambda polarization in SIDIS
Peter Krizan
(Ljubljana Univ. and J. Stefan Institute)
- Speaker at Particle Identification Detectors
Peter Kroll
- Speaker at Hard electroproduction of strangeness
Fabienne Kunne
(CEA saclay)
- Speaker at Measurement of strangeness in SIDIS
- simonetta liuti
- Anna Martin
- Hrayr Matevosyan (CSSM, University of Adelaide, Australia)
Clara Matteuzzi
(Sezione di Milano-Bicocca - INFN)
- Speaker at The LHCb RICH detector
Stefano Melis
- Speaker at TMD parametrizations
Marco Mirazita
- Speaker at Lambda polarization measurements in SIDIS
- Francesco Murgia (CA)
Mikhail Osipenko
- Speaker at Kaon electroproduction with CLAS and CLAS12
Christian Pauly
- Speaker at Development of a RICH detector for CBM
- John Price (California State University, Dominguez Hills)
- Juan Rojo Chacon (MI)
Patrizia Rossi
- Speaker at Introduction to the Workshop
- Ami Rostomyan
Stepan Stepanyan
(Jefferson Lab)
- Speaker at CLAS12 Particle Identification
- Speaker at CLAS12 Particle Identification
- Igor Strakovsky
- Oleg Teryaev (JINR)
Fulvio Tessarotto
- Speaker at The COMPASS RICH-1 Detector
Luca Trentadue
- Speaker at Introduction to fracture functions