Nov 8 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

We are pleased to announce the first Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA ( physics campaign at LNL. The workshop will take place on November 8-10th 2021 at LNL , and it will be followed by the Annual AGATA Collaboration (AC) meeting, from 10th afternoon to 12th November, lunch time. Find the details for the Annual AC meeting at the following link:


The commissioning of AGATA in combination with PRISMA is expected in the first quarter of 2022, and the first experiments recommended by the forthcoming LNL PAC, to be held in February 2022, may run as early as April-May 2022. We are aiming for availability of 15 AGATA triple clusters (1p solid angle coverage) for this physics campaign.


The aim of the workshop is to assist the spokespersons in putting the strongest cases for their proposals forward through a discussion of the physics to be investigated, and to assess the feasibility of the experiments they intend to propose. This includes all experiments planning to use stable beams from the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE complex for studies involving AGATA in a possible combination with PRISMA and/or ancillary detectors that are compatible with PRISMA (see technical-prePAC-final.pdf). All such proposals will have to be discussed at this workshop before being submitted to the LNL PAC. This is to ascertain feasibility and to avoid overlaps.

Viale dell'Università, 2, 35020 Legnaro PD
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