Season 1 Episode 6 PhD Seminar

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom

Elena Pompa Pacchi (Sapienza)

6th meeting of physics PhD seminar series
Meeting ID: 862 6580 4296
Passcode: 240702

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    • 17:00 17:05
      Introduction 5m
    • 17:05 17:25
      Numerical study of the microscopic structure of jammed systems 20m

      Jamming occurs when the degrees of freedom of a system are completely blocked and is present in systems such as grains, foams, colloids, and glasses. From the perspective of phase transitions, it is of a peculiar kind because it is an out of equilibrium transition and it displays non-trivial critical scalings. Besides, the microscopic structure of jammed states exhibits a complex phenomenology that has only been elucidated recently. I will present some results about how such structure can inform us of the dynamics that occur near the jamming point and confirms important theoretical predictions.

    • 17:25 17:35
      Discussion 10m
    • 17:35 17:55
      Virtual micro-reality: immersive manipulation of live microscopic systems 20m

      Cells live in a physical environment whose predominant factors are no longer those of our scale and for which we lack a direct experience and consequently a deep intuition. By integrating holographic and virtual reality technologies, our instrument allows the user to be completely immersed in a dynamic virtual world which is the simultaneous replica of a real system under the microscope. Holographic microscopy allows fast 3D imaging and real-time rendering on a virtual reality headset, while hand tracking data is used to dynamically generate holographic optical traps for interactive grabbing and manipulation of microparticles arrays or living motile cells.

    • 17:55 18:05
      Discussion 10m