1–2 Jul 2010
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=506 -->
Europe/Rome timezone

Hotel Accommodation

Please find here below a short list of Hotels in Frascati (see map).
All the hotels have special rates for LNF guests.
Participants should arrange their own accommodation contacting the hotel directly.
We suggest to make your reservation as soon as possible in order to be sure to get accommodation.

Hotel Villa Tuscolana****
Via del Tuscolo Km. 2
Tel. +39 06942900
Fax +39 069424747
mail: info@villatuscolana.com

The Hotel is about 2 km. far from Frascati downtown. Shuttle service available upon request.

Room price: euro 80,00 SGLB (breakfast included)

Hotel Flora****
Viale V. Veneto 8
Tel. +39 069416110
Fax +39 069416546
mail: info@hotel-flora.it

The Hotel is 1 km. far from Frascati downtown. Shuttle service to/from LNF available upon request.

Room price: euro 120,00 (breakfast included)

Hotel Antica Colonia***
Via Costanzo Montani, 5
Frascati (RM)
Tel.: +39-06-94018061
Fax: +39-06-9420932
mail: info@hotelanticacolonia.it

The Hotel is 1 km. far from Frascati downtown. Shuttle service to/from LNF available upon request.

Room price: euro 85,00 SGLB (breakfast included)

Hotel Bellavista***
Piazza Roma, 2
Tel. +39 069421068

mail: info@hbellavista.it
The Hotel is located in Frascati downtown. No shuttle service available.

Hotel Cacciani***
Via A. Diaz, 15
Tel. +39 069401991
Fax +39 069420440
mail: info@cacciani.it

The Hotel is located in Frascati downtown, close to the Frascati railway station. No shuttle service available.

Room price: euro 74,00 SGLB (breakfast included)

Hotel Colonna***
Piazza del Gesu', 12
Tel. +39 0694018088
Fax +39 0694018730
mail: hotelcolonna@hotelcolonna.it

The Hotel is located in the very centre of Frascati. No shuttle service available.

Room price: euro 80,00 SGLB (breakfast included)

Hotel Villa Mercede***
Via Tuscolana, 20
Frascati (RM)
Tel.: +39-06-9424760
Fax: +39-06-9416461
mail: mail@villamercede.com

The Hotel is 1 km. far from Frascati downtown. Shuttle service to/from LNF available upon request.

Room price: euro 65,00 SGLB (breakfast included)

Hotel Villa Pina***
Via Carlo Lucidi, 2
Frascati (RM)
Tel.: +39-06-9421063
Fax: +39-06-9417711
mail: info@hotelvillapina.info
The Hotel is about 1 km. far from Frascati downtown. Shuttle service to/from LNF available upon request.