22 January 2021 to 5 March 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Instructions for submission

To send a contribution, please click on "Call for Astracts" in the left menu and then on  "Submit new abstract". Please note that, before accessing the submission page, you will be redirected to the INFN Indico page, where you can login with INFN-AAI or Indico credentials or, in case you are a new user, you can create an Indico account. 

Please fill the required fields in the  "Submit new abstract" page. There is the possibility to upload files in the field "Attachments", at the end of the page. If you submit your contribution by uploading a file (recommended option), please insert only one name in the "Authors" field and specify the full list of authors in your file. In this case, you do not need to fill the "Content" field.  

In order to facilitate the collection and review of your inputs, we have identified some main categories, listed below together with some suggestions of corresponding possible goals:

  • Improved Access                                                                                                                                                                        Easier procedures, increase of number of RI involved, opening to new communities
  • Beams + Targets                                                                                                                                                                          Improvements in techniques and varieties, machine learning
  • Detectors + Electronics                                                                                                                                                            Upgrades, travelling detectors and connected electronics, common pool, sharing R&D
  • Data Acquisition + Analysis, Simulations                                                                                                              New possibilities, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence
  • DMP + Data sharing                                                                                                                                                                  Common DMP for RI, common analyses, open access (data, publications)
  • Theory                                                                                                                                                                                            Search for new effects, interpretation of experiments
  • New physics cases                                                                                                                                                                      Discoveries, impact on other fields
  • Training, Education, Outreach, Social Impact                                                                                                      Complementary hands-on training, Lab-University collaborationcoordinated outreach, gender equality

We kindly ask you to select one of the categories  in the drop-down menu that opens in  "Contribution type". The chosen item identifies the main type of your contribution. Please specify in your text possible connections with the other items, if appropriate. There is also the possibility to select "Others", in case your contribution does not fall into the previous categories. 

A basic template, with some suggestions on the structure of the contribution can be downloaded at the link https://agenda.infn.it/event/25373/attachments/78408/101954/template.pdf . Please feel free to disregard some of the points, if not appropriate, and/or to include additional information.

Thank you very much !