28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Sapienza University in Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

The 300th-NIKA2 LPSZ twin samples: synthetic clusters to support real observations

1 Jul 2021, 09:30


Ms Aishwarya Paliwal (Sapienza Università di Roma)


Twin samples of synthetic clusters of galaxies with properties close to the targets of the NIKA2 Large program Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (LPSZ) have been generated from the 300th simulations database. This Large SZ Program is observing a selection of galaxy clusters at intermediate and high redshift (0.5< z < 0.9), covering one order of magnitude in mass, with the NIKA2 camera at 30-m IRAM radiotelescope. These are SZ-selected clusters from the Planck and Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) catalogs, where the selection is based on their integrated Compton parameter values, Y_500.

The Three Hundred hydrodynamical simulations provide us hundreds of clusters satisfying these redshift, mass, and Y_500 requirements. This catalog exploited a large sample of simulated galaxy clusters with their environment modelled using a range of simulation packages and physics modules. In addition to the standard post-processing analysis, mock observational maps are available mimicking X-ray, optical, gravitational lensing, radio, and SZ observations.

The primary goal of employing the twin samples is to compare different cluster mass proxies from synthetic X-ray emission, Sunayev-Zel'dovich effect and optical maps (by galaxy members velocity dispersion and lensing k-maps). We can then verify the impact that a limited sample of only 50 objects, could have on the final results. Scaling laws will be cross-correlated to reduce the scatter on the inferred mass and the mass bias will be related to various physical parameters.

Primary author

Ms Aishwarya Paliwal (Sapienza Università di Roma)


Dr Emmanuel Artis (LPSC) Weiguang Cui Marco De Petris (ROMA1) François-Xavier Désert (IPAG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS) Antonio Ferragamo (Sapienza Università di Roma) Florian Kéruzoré (LPSC, Grenoble, France) Dr Juan Macias-Perez (LPSC) Frédéric Mayet (LPSC Grenoble) Miren Muñoz Echeverría (LPSC) Laurence Perotto (LPSC - CNRS - Univ. grenoble-Alpes) Elena Rasia Florian Ruppin (MIT) Prof. Gustavo Yepes (UAM) Giulia Gianfagna

Presentation materials