28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Sapienza University in Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

CONCERTO at APEX: Installation and first phase of on-sky commissioning

2 Jul 2021, 09:55


Andrea Catalano (LPSC - CNRS)


CONCERTO is a large field-of-view spectro-imager that has been installed in the Cassegrain Cabin of APEX telescope in April 2021. The scientific program of CONCERTO has many objectives: the main two programs are focused on mapping the fluctuations of the [CII] line intensity in the reionisation and post-reionisation epoch (4.5<z<8.5) and on studying galaxy clusters via the thermal and kinetic SZ effect. Also, CONCERTO will measure the dust and molecular gas contents of local and intermediate-redshift galaxies, it will study the Galactic star-forming clouds and finally it will observe the CO intensity fluctuations arising from 0.3<z<2 galaxies. From the instrumental point of view, with 2 focal planes and a total number of 4k KID detectors, CONCERTO will cover an instanteneous field of view of 20 arc-minutes in the range of electromagnetic frequencies 120-360 GHz. The spectral resolution is easily tunable up to 1 GHz depending on the scientific target. I will present the design of the instrument, the installation at Apex and the current status of the commissioning phase and science verification at the time of the talk.

Primary author

Andrea Catalano (LPSC - CNRS)


CONCERTO Collaboration

Presentation materials