Relativistic jets from AGN have a wide range of impacts on galaxy groups and clusters and are key for understanding their formation and physical properties. However, this non-gravitational process is not well understood. Galaxy groups with shallow gravitational potentials are ideal laboratories to study and constrain the AGN feedback model.
I studied hot gas in ~66,000 SDSS LRG halos with an average halo mass of 3*10^13 Msun using the Planck tSZ map. I have detected their average tSZ radial profile at ~17σ and compared it with the cosmo-OWLS cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with different AGN feedback models. The best agreement has been obtained for the AGN8.0 model in the simulations. I have also compared my measured tSZ profile with the prediction from the universal pressure profile and found them consistent if the model accounts for the clustering of neighboring haloes via a two-halo term. I will present these results.