May 17 – 21, 2010
Hotel Santa Tecla Palace
Europe/Rome timezone

Calcolo per Esperimenti di Raggi Cosmici carichi e gamma di alta energia

May 18, 2010, 11:10 AM
Roof Garden (Hotel Santa Tecla Palace)

Roof Garden

Hotel Santa Tecla Palace

Via Balestrate 100, 95020 Acireale, Catania Tel +39 095 7634015 Tel +39 095 7640171 Tel +39 095 7640169 Fax +39 095 607705


Francesco Saverio Cafagna (BA)


Calcolo per Esperimenti di Raggi Cosmici carichi e gamma di alta energia An overview of the characteristics and the computing architectures of some of the INFN astroparticle physics experiments will be given. The focus will be on both ground and satelite based experiments. The actual or foreseen computing infrastructure and needs will be reviewed.

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