- Davide Piccolo (INFN Frascati)
Marc Weinberg
(University of Wisconsin)
12/10/2010, 17:15
Preparations for BSM Seaches using the Top-Antitop invariant Mass Distribution
Contributed to be given at HQL2010: Heavy Quarks and Leptons 2010, 11-15 Oct 2010, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati (Italy) The talk is proposed to cms conf. comm..
The top quark is the only known fermion with a mass of the order of the Scale of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. New...
Boris Grube
(Excellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität München)
12/10/2010, 17:26
COMPASS is a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at the CERN Super
Proton Synchrotron investigating the structure and spectrum of
hadrons. One primary goal is the search for new hadronic states, in
particular spin-exotic mesons and glueballs. Its large acceptance,
high resolution, and high-rate capability make the COMPASS experiment
an excellent device to study the spectrum of light...
Junpei Maeda
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
12/10/2010, 17:36
The Double Chooz collaboration is building a neutrino detector along the Belgium France boarder, to chase the teta13 neutrino mixing angle. The detector filling is beginning, and data taking is expected from next September.
Thie world bound, from a first expeirment at Chooz, should be improved in the beginning of 2011.
Alexander Rakitin
12/10/2010, 17:50
The potential of the SuperB-factory in the field of rare B and D
decays is huge. With the 75ab-1 integrated luminosity at
$\Uspilon(4S)$ and 500fb-1 at $\psi(3770)$ we expect to significantly
improve the existing limits on such sensitive to New Physics decays as
$D\to\ell\ell (X)$, $D\to\gamma\gamma$, $B\to\mu\mu$. With the
$\sqrt{s}$ rising up to $\Upsilon(5S)$ mass we can also...
Seyed Mohsen Etesami
(Isfahan University of Technology and IPM - Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics)
12/10/2010, 17:56
The potential of the LHC for investigation of anomalous top quark interactions with gluon(tug, tcg) through the production of tW-channel of single top quark is studied. In the Standard Model, the single top quarks in the tW-channel mode are charge symmetric meaning that (pp ! t + W−) = (pp ! ¯t + W+). However, the presence of anomalous FCNC couplings leads to charge asymmetry. In this paper a...
Simone Stracka
12/10/2010, 18:00
The search potential for new physics in both loop and tree dominated time-dependent
asymmetries at the proposed SuperB experiment will be presented.
Alberto Cervelli
12/10/2010, 18:10
SuperB is a super-tau factory. This experiment will produce large samples of
tau leptons in a clean e+e- environment that can be used in order to
search for Lepton Flavour Violation, as well as test the Standard Model.
A unique feature of SuperB is a polarized electron beam, which will
help some LFV searches by providing us with information about the
tau polarization that can be used to...
Riccardo Faccini
12/10/2010, 18:16
The study of Charm Decays at SuperB provide unique opportunities to understand
the Standard Model and constrain new physics, both at the Y(4S), and at charm
threshold. We discuss the physics potential of such measurements from the
proposed SuperB experiment with 75ab^-1 of data at the Y(4S) and a subsequent
run dedicated to exploiting quantum correlations at the charm threshold.
Shuang Guo
(Peking University and INFN Pisa)
12/10/2010, 18:30
Cross section measurements of inclusive b production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV by the CMS experiment are presented. The measurements are based on two different methods. The first method uses inclusive jets with secondary vertex tagging, while the second method selects a sample of events containing jets and at least one muon, where the transverse momentum of the muon with...
Antonio Tropiano
(Univ. Firenze and INFN)
12/10/2010, 18:40
In the framework of the standard model (SM), the top quark is expected to decay to a W-boson and a b-quark 99.8% of the times due to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element Vtb being close to unity. The current experimental limits from the Tevatron on Vtb from top-quark pairs and single-top production are consistent with the SM predictions. The higher energy of proton-proton...
Ali Alavi
(Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University)
12/10/2010, 19:00
Both cosmology and astrophysics suggest the possible existence
of a sterile neutrino with mass of several Kev , which is a dark matter
candidate. The interaction of sterile neutrinos with matter in Kev
energy scale has been studied in the literature. In this paper we study
the interaction of sterile neutrinos with atoms and the role of
sterile neutrinos on ionization of atoms in Mev ...