Olaf Hartmann
(SMI Wien)
15/10/2010, 13:40
Future Experiments
After a longer preparation time finally in October 2010 the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will be founded officially and the construction phase can start. The FAIR start version comprises the HESR synchrotron and storage ring, where an antiproton beam will become available. The PANDA (antiProtonAnnhililations@Darmstadt) experiment is going to study antiproton interactions...
Wojtek Wislicki
(Soltan Inst. Nucl Phys, Warsaw)
15/10/2010, 14:00
Future Experiments
The KLOE experiment at the DAFNE e+e- collider of the Frascati
Laboratories of INFN is going to start a second data-taking campaign
(KLOE-2). The detector has been upgraded with small angle electron
taggers, while the insertion near the interaction point of an inner
tracker is planned for the next year.
The interaction region of DAFNE has been modified using a crabbed waist
Tommaso Spadaro
15/10/2010, 14:20
Future Experiments
Kaon physics is presented as a valid approach for testing NP BSM in a manner which is independent from the LHC high-energy approach and competitive with B physics reach. The most important present results are flashed to prove such a statement.
Next to come, the K->pi nu nubar experiments will dominate the scene.
Experiments recently completed, running, approved for construction, or
Weili Zhong
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
15/10/2010, 14:40
Neutrino Physics
The discovery of neutrino oscillation revealed new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. At present, the nature of neutrinos is among the most important issues in modern physics and has been studied widely. Experiments play an indispensible role in our understanding of Neutrinos, establishing how small theta13 is, whether there is CP violation in the lepton sector, the...
Zdenek Dolezal
(Charles University Prague)
15/10/2010, 15:00
Future Experiments
(TBC) We report on the plan and current status of Super B upgrade of the KEK B-factory accelerator, SuperKEKB, and the Belle detector, Belle II
The upgraded accelerator should reach an instantaneous
luminosity of $O(10^{36})$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, which is
about 40-50 times higher than that of the current highest luminosity by
KEKB accelerator. The upgraded Belle II detector will have...
Giuseppe Finocchiaro
15/10/2010, 15:15
Future Experiments
The SuperB experiment is a next generation Super Flavour Factory
expected to accumulate 75ab^-1 of data at the Y(4S) in five
years of nominal running. In addition to running data at the
Y(4S), SuperB will be able to accumulate data from the psi(3770)
up to the Y(6S). A polarized electron beam enables unique
physics opportunities at SuperB.
Pascal Perret
(Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)
15/10/2010, 15:35
Future Experiments
We review the prospects for flavour physics at the LHC during the first
five years of operation, highlighting the most interesting measurements
foreseen at LHCb, and those areas where ATLAS and CMS will make a
significant contribution. We then focus on the next generation of
flavour studies at the LHC, focusing in particular on the LHCb upgrade.