Feb 18 – 26, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

"HENeutrinos beyond Standard Model: steriles and secret interactions

Feb 19, 2021, 11:00 AM
Room 3 (https://unipd.link/NeuTel-ParallelRoom3)

Room 3


Parallel Contributed Talk Neutrino Theory and Cosmology Non Standard Interactions


Ninetta Saviano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Ultra High Energy neutrinos may represent a unique opportunity
to unveil possible new physics interactions in the neutrino sector. At
this regard, we have investigated the effects on high and ultrahigh energy
active neutrino fluxes due to active-sterile secret interactions mediated
by a new pseudoscalar particle. These interactions become relevant at
very different energy scales depending on the masses of the scalar
mediator and of sterile neutrino. As a consequence, we have found
interesting phenomenological implications on two benchmark fluxes we
consider, namely an astrophysical power law flux, in the range below 100
PeV, and a cosmogenic flux, in the Ultrahigh energy range. These features could be measurable in present and future neutrino experiments.

Primary author

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