Workshop: Is Quantum Theory exact? Exploring Quantum Boundaries.

Catalina Curceanu


The aim of the workshop is to discuss the possible boundaries and limits of validity of the quantum mechanics theory and the implications of this research in various sectors.

From the theoretical point of view, since the famous Einstein-Bohr debate, quantum mechanics never stopped raising deep questions about its meaning. In particular, the transition from the microscopic world, where systems are observed in a superposition of quantum states, to the macroscopic world, where systems have well defined properties, such as position (the so-called “measurement problem”), still puzzles the scientific community and philosophers. For this reason, (some) scientists are pushed to look for explanations, including theories beyond the standard quantum one.

From the experimental point of view, quantum mechanics is, undoubtedly, the best verified available theory and a pillar to all our science. It is therefore a very compelling challenge to look for possible small violations predicted by alternative quantum theories. The aim is either to put stronger observational bounds on the new theories, i.e. on model's parameters, or, much more exciting, to find a violation of standard quantum mechanics when compared with the new theories' predictions. In this framework, a deeper understanding of the possible limits of validity of the quantum superposition principle is an interesting experimental challenge.

The workshop also represents the kick-off of the FQXi project (FQXi-RFP-CPW-2008) ICON: Novel intertwined theoretical and experimental approach to test the ORCHestrated Objective Reduction theory as physical basis of consciousness, and is supported by the UE-H2020-FETOPEN-2016-2017
TEQ  project- Testing the Large-Scale limit of Quantum Mechanics  (G.A. n. 766900 FET-TEQ).



Catalina Curceanu (LNF-INFN) , Chair

Magdalena Skurzok (LNF-INFN)

Kristian Piscicchia (Centro Fermi)

Fabrizio Napolitano (LNF-INFN)


The workshop will take place online, on webex platform.
For those who wish to get an overwiew of how webex works we recommend:
The webex links to the workshop (one for each day) will be sent the day before the workshop.

The program timing refers to the UTC+1 time zone (i.e. Italy timing)



  • Adamantia Zampeli
  • Ajinkya Werulkar
  • akanksha sharma
  • Albert Aloy
  • Alberto Clozza
  • Aleksander Gajos
  • Alessandro Lega
  • Alessandro Scordo
  • Alexandra Olaya-Castro
  • Anand Menon
  • Andrea Addazi
  • Andrea Di Biagio
  • Angelo Bassi
  • Anindita Banerjee
  • Anne-Catherine de la Hamette
  • Antonino Marciano’
  • Antonio Di Domenico
  • Ardra Kooderi Suresh
  • Arijit Purkait
  • Arjun Dawn
  • Augusto Smerzi
  • Avishek Das
  • Ayon Tarafdar
  • Beatrix C. Hiesmayr Hiesmayr
  • Behnam Tonekaboni
  • Bernhard Kirchmair
  • Borivoje Dakic
  • Braulio Otavalo
  • Brij Mohan
  • Carlo Guaraldo
  • Caslav Brukner
  • Catalina Oana Curceanu
  • Charlie Beil
  • Chi Zhang
  • Chirag Srivastava
  • Cristina Cirstoiu
  • Cyril Laplane
  • Daniel Braun
  • Daniel Rohrlich
  • Danilo Babusci
  • David Davalos
  • David Vitali
  • Davide Poderini
  • Denis Seletskiy
  • Devendra Kumar Mishra
  • Diana Sirghi
  • Edoardo Milotti
  • Elisabetta Pace
  • Emanuele Polino
  • Eric Cavalcanti
  • Eryk Czerwiński
  • Esteban Castro
  • Fabio Sciarrino
  • Fabrizio Napolitano
  • Farid Shahandeh
  • Flaminia Giacomini
  • Flavio Del Santo
  • Florin Catalin Sirghi
  • Francesco Nuti
  • Francesco Sgaramella
  • Georgios Mantzaridis
  • Giulia Rubino
  • Giulio Foletto
  • Hanifa Tidjani
  • Hendrik Ulbricht
  • Howard Wiseman
  • Igor Pikovski
  • Ivette Fuentes
  • Ivonne Guevara
  • Jack Tuszynski
  • Joan Vaccaro
  • Johann Marton
  • Justyna Mędrala
  • Kelvin McQueen
  • Klemens Winkler
  • Kobra Mahdavipour
  • kristian piscicchia
  • Kuntal Sengupta
  • Kyrylo Simonov
  • Lajos Diósi
  • Lee Smolin
  • Levan Kankadze
  • Luca Apadula
  • Luca De Paolis
  • Maaneli Derakhshani
  • Magdalena Skurzok
  • mahshid khazaei shadfar
  • Manu Paranjape
  • Marco Túlio Quintino
  • Marek Rogatko
  • Mario Mercado
  • Matteo Padovan
  • Matteo Piccolini
  • Maximilian Lock
  • Meghna Dasgupta
  • Michael Drewsen
  • Michael Kopp
  • Michael Partener
  • Michaela Miedler
  • Michał Silarski
  • Mohammad Ansari
  • Muhsin Mohammed
  • Muthuganesan Rajendran
  • Neha Chug
  • Nikodem Krawczyk
  • Nitica Sakharwade
  • Oton Vazquez Doce
  • Pardeep Singh
  • Pawel Moskal
  • Peter Barker
  • Peter Morgan
  • Pooja Pooja
  • Prabuddha Roy
  • Pratyusha Chatterjee
  • Raffaele Del Grande
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Raman Choudhary
  • Raúl Hidalgo Sacoto
  • Roger Penrose
  • Ron Folman
  • Roohollah Ghobadi
  • Sagnik Dutta
  • Sakibul Islam Sazzad
  • Sandro Donadi
  • Satabdi Behera
  • Sayan Ghosh
  • Sebastian Horvat
  • Shreecheta Chowdhury
  • Shubham Dawn
  • Siddhant Singh
  • Soumya Sarkar
  • Soumyadip Ghosh
  • Sourav Rajat Subhra Maitra
  • Subhadip Barik
  • Sumit Mukherjee
  • Sushil Sharma
  • Szymon Parzych
  • Tamas Geszti
  • Tian Zhang
  • Tim Weber
  • Tommaso Favalli
  • Uros Delic
  • Vasilis Fragkos
  • Veronica De Leo
  • Veronika Baumann
  • Victor Avalos Pinillos
  • Victor Jara
  • Yutaka Shikano
  • Zakaria Dahbi
  • Zeeya Merali
  • giovedì 10 dicembre
    • 09:30 10:00
      Welcome 30m
      Relatore: Fabio Bossi (LNF-INFN Director); Catalina Curceanu
    • 10:00 11:00
      Session: Morning #1
      Coordinatore: Beatrix Hiesmayr (University of Vienna)
    • 10:00 10:30
      What makes the universe tick: searching for the quantum origins of time 30m
      Relatore: Joan Vaccaro
    • 10:30 11:00
      Quantum superposition of processes with opposing thermodynamic arrows of time 30m
      Relatore: Caslav Brukner
    • 11:00 11:15
      Coffee break 15m
    • 11:15 11:45
      Collapse Models 30m
      Relatore: Angelo Bassi
    • 11:15 12:45
      Session: Morning #2
      Coordinatore: Beatrix Hiesmayr (University of Vienna)
    • 11:45 12:15
      The dynamics of difference 30m
      Relatore: Lee Smolin
    • 12:15 12:45
      How effectively can we test Quantum Gravity with Underground Experiments? 30m
      Relatore: Antonino Marcianò
    • 12:45 14:00
      Lunch break 1O 15m
    • 14:00 15:30
      Session: Afternoon #1
      Coordinatore: Kristian Piscicchia
    • 14:00 14:30
      Testing fundamental physics with trapped particles 30m
      Relatore: Hendrik Ulbricht
    • 14:30 15:00
      Can quantum metrology solve some of the biggest questions in fundamental physics? 30m
      Relatore: Ivette Fuentes Guridi
    • 15:00 15:30
      Advances on quantum advantage with photons 30m
      Relatore: Fabio Sciarrino
    • 15:30 15:45
      Coffee break 15m
    • 15:45 17:45
      Session: Afternoon #2
      Coordinatore: Kristian Piscicchia
    • 15:45 16:15
      Testing collapse models using levitated nano-oscillators 30m
      Relatore: Peter Barker
    • 16:15 16:45
      In 100 years from quantum physics to quantum biology. How long to quantum medicine? 30m
      Relatore: Jack Tuszynski
    • 16:45 17:15
      Probing a Gravitational cat state: Theoretical issues and experimental possibilities 30m
      Relatore: Maaneli Derakhshani
    • 17:15 17:45
      Between the performed measurements of quantum fields 30m
      Relatore: Peter Morgan
  • venerdì 11 dicembre
    • 08:45 09:00
      Welcome 15m
      Relatore: Catalina Curceanu
    • 09:00 09:30
      CAN A QUBIT BE YOUR FRIEND? Why experimental metaphysics needs a quantum computer 30m
      Relatore: Howard Wiseman
    • 09:00 11:00
      Session: Morning #1
      Coordinatore: Magdalena Skurzok (L)
    • 09:30 10:00
      Perspectives for the investigations of quantum entanglement of high energy photons with the J-PET scanner 30m
      Relatore: Paweł Moskal
    • 10:00 10:30
      Entanglement in higher dimensions reveals novel structures of the set of separable states 30m
      Relatore: Beatrix C. Hiesmayr
    • 10:30 11:00
      Sequential weak measurements for reutilizing entanglement 30m
      Relatore: Giulio Foletto
    • 11:00 11:15
      Coffee break 15m
    • 11:15 11:45
      Search for Dark Matter bosons through precise isotope shift measurements in Ca+ ions 30m
      Relatore: Michael Drewsen
    • 11:15 13:15
      Session: Morning #2
      Coordinatore: Magdalena Skurzok (L)
    • 11:45 12:15
      Pauli Exclusion Principle violations and quantum gravity 30m
      Relatore: Andrea Addazi
    • 12:15 12:45
      The Diósi-Penrose model under X-rays 30m
      Relatore: Sandro Donadi
    • 12:45 13:15
      Why nonlinearity? 30m
      Relatore: Tamas Geszti
    • 13:15 14:30
      Lunch break 1O 15m
    • 14:30 16:00
      Session: Afternoon #1
      Coordinatore: Catalina Oana Curceanu (LNF)
    • 14:30 15:00
      The "strange" entanglement of neutral K mesons: a powerful tool and a case study 30m
      Relatore: Antonio di Domenico
    • 15:00 15:30
      Schrödinger-Newton equation: fundamental difficulties and attempts to relax them 30m
      Relatore: Lajos Diosi
    • 15:30 16:00
      An underground survey of Quantum Mechanics foundations 30m
      Relatore: Kristian Piscicchia
    • 16:00 16:15
      Coffee break 15m
    • 16:15 17:15
      Effective Retro-activity in Quantum State Reduction 1O
      Relatore: Roger Penrose – Guest Lecturer
    • 16:15 17:45
      Session: Afternoon #2
      Coordinatore: Catalina Oana Curceanu (LNF)
    • 17:15 17:45
      Consciousness and the collapse of the wave function 30m
      Relatore: Kelvin McQueen
    • 17:45 18:00
      Closing of the workshop 15m
      Relatore: Catalina Curceanu