Jul 27 – 29, 2020
Europe/Rome timezone

The potential of the astroparticle physics community recently has been enhanced by a new powerful tool - LHAASO, a dual-task tool for cosmic-ray and gamma-ray studies in the Tev to PeV domain of energy. The first results obtained with the partly completed facility confirms the most optimistic predictions regarding the superb sensitivity of LHAASO, in particular, the one km-square array (KM2A) as a gamma-ray detector in the TeV-to-PeV energy interval. There are all reasons to believe that LHAASO will open a new, UHE or PeV window of the cosmic electromagnetic spectrum and provide the most accurate measurements of the energy spectrum and composition of the Galactic Cosmic Rays in the region of the "knee" and beyond.

LHAASO will have a strong impact on the plans of multimessenger and multiwavelength studies using the current and future space-borne and ground-based gamma-ray detectors, cubic-km scale neutrino detectors, gravitational wave detectors, etc. We think that we should start discussions and share different views in this context. For this purpose, we plan to organize a series of meetings in the form of small or mid-size workshops devoted to various aspects of the science with LHAASO and its impact on a few research areas of the astroparticle physics, in particular on the Origin of the Galactic Cosmic Rays.

The first (founding) workshop “Multimessenger high energy astrophysics in the era of LHAASO" will be held to bring together colleagues from the European astroparticle community with interests in the research areas linked, in one way or another, to the LHAASO project.


This is an ONLINE-ONLY meeting


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ID Meeting:  958 4366 3811

Meeting password: 817472







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