28 febbraio 2020 a 31 marzo 2021
On Zoom
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Since Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020 we organize on-line seminars on phenomenology/theory/astrophysics/cosmology, and whatever can be interesting in theoretical physics.  We have no fixed dates and time, see the timetable (European, CET).

If you wish to join a seminar: login at the starting time on https://cern.zoom.us/j/5876144043 using your real name and password 1665. In case of trouble: see instructions.

Video recordings of most seminars are available on the YouTube channel "Newton 1665 physics seminars ."

If you wish to receive announcements of future seminars: add your email to the mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/physem/join

If you wish to suggest seminars and/or help organizing: email to organizers (on-line-newton-seminars@googlegroups.com).


Timetable of fundamental physics webinars worldwide (see also inspires).

On Zoom

Organizers: Sacha Davidson, Roberto Franceschini, Christian Gross, Andi Hektor, Kristjan Kannike, Luca Di Luzio, Paolo Panci, Michele Redi, Alberto Salvio, Alessandro Strumia, Daniele Teresi, Andrea Tesi, Riccardo Torre, Alfredo Urbano et al.