22–28 May 2022
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
submission of the proceedings for the PM2021 has been postponed to July 31, 2022

Telepix - A fast region of interest trigger and timing layer for the EUDET Telescopes

24 May 2022, 08:30
3h 45m


Lennart Huth (DESY)


The EUDET-style telescopes provide excellent spatial resolution, but timing capabilities are limited by the rolling shutter architecture. The Telepix prototype is developed to significantly improve the time stamping of the telescopes and to provide a fast trigger signal with a selectable region of interest. This will be used to efficiently take data with small sensor prototypes.

Telepix is designed in the TSI 180nm HV-CMOS process and profits from a decade of research for the Mu3e experiment and others. In a test submission, multiple pixel matrices with 29x124 pixels and a pitch of 25umx165um have been submitted, featuring different amplifiers, based on PMOS or NMOS only as well as full CMOS. These are systematically characterised and compared, both for laboratory as well as test beam measurements.

During a test beam campaign, the fast region of interest trigger has been studied extensively and a delay of below 25ns with respect to a trigger scintillator could be determined, alongside with a jitter of less than 5ns, making Telepix a well suited trigger plane. A full column had been used, to also include different transmission line length that might influence the jitter of the trigger signal.
Also the performance of the three amplifiers has been studied in test beam and laboratory measurements: Efficiencies above 99% and time resolutions below 5ns have been observed for fully integrated readout. The threshold range with efficiencies above 99% strongly depends on the amplifier type, as well as the threshold dependence of the time resolution. Finally, the spatial resolution as a function of the detection threshold has been determined.

The EUDET-style beam telescope are introduced, the specifications derived and sensor design introduced. A comparison of the different chips from laboratory measurements and a test beam campaign will be presented and the region of interest triggering capabilities will be demonstrated.

Primary authors

Adrian Herkert (DESY) Lennart Huth (DESY) Marcel Stanitzki (DESY)

Presentation materials