DS-Mat regular meeting


Assistants: Chepurnov, Testera, Botino, Pelczar, Gromoz, Agnes, Mroz, Zuzel, Razeto, Kochanek, Santorelli

CIEMAT: Summary of the surface contamination presented during the last TB. Main conclusion: it is necessary to store the detector components in Rn free atmosphere when underground. One day exposure could be still a possible, exposure of the order of months can affect the total n-budget.

Russia: New ICPMS measurements. Results of the order of ~10 mBq/kg in 238U and 232Th, best obtained so-far. Distribution of the Gd in PMMA measured with the miscroscope (sample sliced). Very strong gradient.

LNGS: Matthias will start the connectors assay by the end of the week

Kraków: Inductors arrived. Found a (dirty) copper sheet that can be sent to Legnaro. It should be cleaned and shipped back Kraków. G. Zuzel will measure the surface activity with the XIA to validate the cleaning protocol.


Action items:

R. Santorelli will circulate the agenda for the remote meeting (DS-Mat session on Monday -the 2nd- at 18.00)

G. Zuzel will send an email to Oscar/Giorgio

V. Pesudo: evaluate the last Gd ICPMS results

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 17:00 17:10
      Recent assays and new results 10m
      Speaker: All
    • 17:10 17:25
      Gd productions and tests 15m
      Speaker: Alexander Chepurnov (Scobelcyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University)
    • 17:25 17:40
      Surface contamination: summary 15m
      Speaker: roberto santorelli (CIEMAT)
    • 17:40 17:55
      Plans for next week 15m
      Speaker: All
    • 17:55 18:00
      AOB 5m
      Speaker: All