Seminari di gruppo IV

Prof. Antonio Mezzacapo, Neural-network fermionic states: precise measurements on quantum computers and variational Monte Carlo

by Prof. Antonio Mezzacapo (Research staff member IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. NY)

1G09 (Dipartimento di Fisica)


Dipartimento di Fisica


In the first part of this talk I will introduce neural-network estimators for quantum observables, obtained by integrating the measurement apparatus of a quantum simulator with neural networks. Unsupervised learning of single-qubit measurement data can produce estimates of complex observables free of quantum noise. Precise estimates are achieved for quantum chemistry Hamiltonians, with a reduction of several orders of magnitude in the amount of measurements needed compared to standard estimators. I will show results on molecular systems obtained using IBM superconducting quantum processors. In the second part, I will show how the integration of quantum information and machine learning techniques allows to improve on classical coupled-cluster methods for some diatomic molecules.