Seminari di gruppo IV

Dr. Vladislav Kupriyanov , A novel approach to non-commutative gauge theories.

by Dr Vladislav Kupriyanov (Vladislav Kupriyanov, Federal University of ABC, Sao Paulo Brasil.)

0M03 (Dipartimento di Fisica, M. S. Angelo)


Dipartimento di Fisica, M. S. Angelo


We propose field theoretical models living on the non-commutative space with a non-constant non-commutativity parameter $\Theta(x)$ which satisfy two main requirements. First, the theory is gauge invariant and second, in the commutative limit, $\Theta \to 0$, it reproduces the standard commutative U(1) gauge theory. In this talk I will describe the general construction working for arbitrary $\Theta(x)$ and will provide an explicit example of gauge theory on the rotationaly invariant non-commutative space, for which, $\Theta^{ij}(x)=\varepsilon^{ijk}x_k $.