Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos
(National Technical University of Athens)
17/06/2010, 14:30
Nonzero temperature and density
Monte Carlo simulations of matrix models could play an important role in understanding string theories in a similar fashion that lattice QCD has contributed to the understanding of the non-perturbative regime of quantum field theories. The IKKT or IIB matrix model has been proposed as a non--perturbative definition of superstring theory. The model provides a mechanism for the dynamical...
Kim Splittorff
(The Niels Bohr Institute)
17/06/2010, 14:50
Nonzero temperature and density
We discuss the distribution of the quark number over the gauge fields
for QCD at nonzero quark chemical potential. As the quark number
operator is non-hermitian, the distribution is over the complex
plane. Moreover, because of the fermion determinant,
the distribution is not real and positive. The computation
is carried out within leading order chiral perturbation theory and
gives direct...
Tamas Kovacs
(University of Pecs)
17/06/2010, 15:10
Nonzero temperature and density
In the epsilon regime of QCD the low-end of the Dirac spectrum is described by
random matrix theory. In contrast, there has been no similarly well
established staistical description in the high temperature, chirally symmetric
phase. Using lattice simulations I show that at high temperature a band of
extremely localized eigenmodes appear at the low-end of the Dirac
spectrum. The...
Tilo Wettig
(University of Regensburg)
17/06/2010, 15:30
Nonzero temperature and density
We consider the chiral extension of the real Ginibre ensemble of random
matrices with dynamical flavors to study the spectrum of the Dirac operator in
two-color QCD with nonzero baryon chemical potential. We show that at maximum
non-Hermiticity the random-matrix model is equivalent to the low-energy
effective theory at high density in the epsilon regime. We obtain the
Fabrizio Palumbo
17/06/2010, 15:50
Nonzero temperature and density
The nilpotency expansion is an approach to field theories based on time-dependent Bogoliubov transformations. When the theories are regularized on a lattice we perform independent Bogoliubov transformations at each time slice. The time-dependent parameters of the transformations can naturally be interpreted as bosonic fields associated to bosonic composites of fermions. They are...