Stefano Capitani
(University of Mainz)
14/06/2010, 16:40
Chiral symmetry
Minimally doubled fermions have been proposed as a strictly local
discretization of the QCD quark action, which also preserves chiral
symmetry at finite cut-off. We study the renormalization and mixing
properties of two particular realizations of minimally doubled fermions
in lattice perturbation theory at one loop. We also construct
conserved axial-vector currents, which have a simple...
David Adams
(Nanyang Technological University)
14/06/2010, 17:00
Chiral symmetry
A version of overlap fermions built from staggered rather than Wilson fermions is presented. It has the remarkable property of reducing the 4 flavors (tastes) of the staggered fermion to two flavors, which can be taken as the up and down quarks in Lattice QCD. The exact flavored chiral symmetry of the staggered fermion gets converted into an unflavored Ginsparg-Wilson chiral symmetry of the...
Philippe de Forcrand
(ETH Zurich & CERN)
14/06/2010, 17:20
Chiral symmetry
David Adams has recently proposed a 2-flavor overlap Dirac operator based on
the Neuberger construction, but using a staggered kernel. We illustrate how
this operator satisfies the index theorem, investigate some of its promising
properties, and compare with the usual Neuberger operator.
Xining Du
(Washington University in St.Louis)
14/06/2010, 17:40
Chiral symmetry
In the light pseudoscalar sector, I study rooted staggered chiral
perturbation theory in the two-flavor case. The pion mass and decay
constant are calculated through NLO for a partially-quenched theory.
In the limit where the strange quark mass is large compared to the light
quark masses and the taste splittings, I show that the SU(2) staggered
chiral theory emerges from the SU(3)...