Julius Kuti
(University of California, San Diego, Department of Physics)
15/06/2010, 08:30
Applications beyond QCD
I will review chiral symmetry breaking and gauge coupling renormalization close to the conformal threshold in SU(3) gauge theories focussed on twelve flavors in the fundamental fermion representation and two flavors in the sextet fermion representation.
Kieran Holland
(University of the Pacific)
15/06/2010, 08:50
Applications beyond QCD
QCD with 12 flavors is a candidate near-conformal gauge theory if its beta function has a near-zero with a slowly varying running coupling. We test various running coupling schemes against this hypothesis.
Claudio Pica
(CP3-Origins, SDU)
15/06/2010, 09:10
Applications beyond QCD
The Minimal Walking Technicolor model, based on the SU(2) gauge group with two Dirac adjoint fermions, is expected to lie close to the lower boundary of the conformal window. As such, it is believed to possess a dynamics different enough from QCD to be a viable candidate for a Technicolor theory. We present a detailed analysis of the mesonic spectrum of this model in which we aim to reach the...
Agostino Patella
(Swansea University)
15/06/2010, 09:30
Applications beyond QCD
Walking technicolor is a mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking, alternative to the Higgs field. The Higgs mechanism is provided by chiral symmetry breaking in the technicolor theory. Essential ingredient is the vicinity to an IR fixed point, which could reconcile technicolor to the electroweak precision tests.
SU(2) with two Dirac adjoint fermions has been proposed as a candidate for...