Takuya Saito
(Kochi Univ.)
18/06/2010, 14:30
Nonzero temperature and density
We study the dynamics of QGP in terms of magnetic center vortices
that are responsible for the non-perturbative physics of QCD.
Here we report the infrared behavior of thermal gluons and
the transport coefficient of QGP before/after the center degree of freedom
We discuss the role of magnetic degree of freedom in the QGP physics.
Claudio Bonati
18/06/2010, 14:50
Vacuum structure and confinement
A direct connection is proved between the Non-Abelian Bianchi Identities and the Abelian Bianchi identities for the 't Hooft tensor in a generic gauge; the existence of a magnetic current is related to the violation of NABI's. Using this relation it is shown that not all gauges are equivalent to detect monopoles on the lattice, that e.g. the Maximal Abelian Gauge is a legitimate choice while...
Stefan Olejnik
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
18/06/2010, 15:10
Vacuum structure and confinement
We report results on the Coulomb-gauge ghost propagator and the color-Coulomb potential computed in two lattice gauge-field ensembles: (1) configurations derived from our recently proposed Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional in 2+1 dimensions, and (2) lattices generated by Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional Euclidean SU(2) lattice gauge theory with the Wilson action. We observe...
Yoshiaki Koma
(Numazu College of Technology)
18/06/2010, 15:30
Vacuum structure and confinement
We investigate the momentum dependence of the topological susceptibility and its derivative at zero momentum with overlap fermions.
We expose the role of the low-lying Dirac eigenmodes for the topological charge density, and find a negative value for the derivative. While the sign of the derivative is consistent with the QCD sum rule in pure Yang-Mills theory, the absolute value is estimated...
Yoshiyuki Nakagawa Nakagawa
(Niigata University)
18/06/2010, 15:50
Vacuum structure and confinement
Entanglement entropy measures how the spatial subregion in a total system is entangled quantum mechanically with its complement. Entanglement entropy provides with an insight into phase structures of quantum systems and attracted much interest recently. In particular, it has been argued within the models of AdS/QCD correspondence that the entanglement entropy could exhibit a non-analytic...