Alessandra Feo
(Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino)
17/06/2010, 16:40
Nonzero temperature and density
We present Monte Carlo results for the thermodynamics of pure $SU(N)$ gauge theories ($N=2,...,6$) in $2+1$ dimensions. We focused on the confined phase region ($T < Tc$) and discuss scaling properties with $N$. We also compare our results with a glueballs gas and the bosonic string predictions for the Hagedorn spectrum.
Kalman Szabo
(Wuppertal U.)
17/06/2010, 17:00
Nonzero temperature and density
We determine the SU(3) equation of state and the Polyakov loop up to perturbative temperatures on lattices with nt=5,6 and 8.The continuum results are contrasted to various resummations and orders of perturbation theory. At very low temperatures we explain our data in terms of a glueball gas.
Julia Danzer
(Karl-Franzens University)
17/06/2010, 17:20
Nonzero temperature and density
Coherent center domains in local Polyakov loops
We analyze properties of local Polyakov loops using quenched as well as dynamical SU(3) gauge configurations for a wide range of temperatures. It is demonstrated that for both, the confined and the deconfined phases, the local Polyakov loop prefers phase values near the center elements $1, e^{pm2\pi/3$. We divide the sites of the lattice into...
Saumen Datta
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
17/06/2010, 17:40
Nonzero temperature and density
The thermodynamics of the deconfined phase of the SU(N) gauge theory
is studied. Careful study is made of the approach to the continuum limit.
The latent heat of the deconfinement transition is studied, for the theories
with 3, 4 and 6 colors. Continuum estimates of various thermodynamic
quantities are studied, and the approach to conformality investigated.
The bulk thermodynamic...