Alejandro Vaquero
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
14/06/2010, 14:30
Chiral symmetry
Continuing with the work exposed in the last lattice conference [Phys.Rev.D79:014509,2009, PoS(LAT2009)068], and in order to distinguish between the two different scenarios proposed by us and Sharpe [Phys.Rev.D79:054503,2009], we present data of simulations of QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions, inside the Aoki phase and without an external source...
Jacobus Verbaarschot
(Stony Brook University)
14/06/2010, 14:50
Chiral symmetry
The QCD partition function for the Wilson Dirac operator, $D_W$, at finite lattice spacing $a$ can be expressed
in terms of a chiral Lagrangian as a systematic expansion in the mass, the momentum and $a^2$. Starting
from this chiral Lagrangian we obtain an analytical expression for the spectral density of $\gamma_5 D_W$ in the microscopic domain (also known as the $]epsilon$-domain). It is...
P.H. Damgaard
(The Niels Bohr Institute)
14/06/2010, 15:10
Chiral symmetry
The spectrum of the Wilson Dirac operator for $N_f=1$ in the
microscopic ($\epsilon$) regime including order $a^2$ corrections
is discussed. Exact results are obtained from Wilson chiral
Perturbation Theory in sectors of fixed topology. Topology is defined as
the number of real eigenvalues of the Wilson Dirac operator. We
compute the density of these real modes as well as the...
Fabio Bernardoni
(Universidad de Valencia)
14/06/2010, 15:30
Chiral symmetry
We report on our simulations with Neuberger valence fermions on CLS Nf=2 configurations with non perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson sea quarks. We consider the matching of QCD to ChPT in the so called mixed regime in which the sea quarks are in the p-regime while the valence quarks are in the p or in the epsilon regime.
Krzysztof Cichy
(Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics)
14/06/2010, 15:50
Chiral symmetry
We present the results of an investigation of a mixed action approach of overlap valence and maximally twisted mass sea quarks. Employing a matching condition on the pion mass, we analyze the continuum limit scaling of the pion decay constant and the role of chiral zero modes of the overlap operator in this process. We employ gauge field configurations generated by the European Twisted Mass...