Gerrit Schierholz
14/06/2010, 16:40
Hadron spectroscopy
I report on recent simulations of clover fermions with masses extending down to the physical point. The focus is on pion and nucleon two-point functions. Among the topics being addressed are the light quark masses, the low-energy constants of the underlying chiral and heavy-baryon effective theories, the nucleon sigma term,
the pion decay constant, as well as effects of the finite volume.
Luca Castagnini
(University of Regensburg)
14/06/2010, 17:00
Hadron spectroscopy
We describe and test a method known in the literature as low-mode averaging
to improve Euclidean two-point functions in lattice QCD using the
low-lying eigenmodes of the Wilson-Dirac operator. The contribution from the
low modes is averaged over all positions of the quark sources while the contribution
from high modes is estimated in the traditional way using one source point per...
Christopher Thomas
(Jefferson Lab)
14/06/2010, 17:20
Hadron spectroscopy
I will discuss recent progress in extracting highly excited and exotic meson spectra using lattice QCD. New results in the light meson sector will be presented, where a combination of techniques and dynamical anisotropic lattices have enabled us to confidently identify the spin of extracted states. Highlights include many states with exotic quantum numbers and, for the first time in a...
Georg Philipp Engel
(Institut fuer Physik, Karl-Franzens Universitaet Graz, Austria)
14/06/2010, 17:40
Hadron spectroscopy
We present results of meson and baryon spectroscopy using the Chirally
Improved Dirac operator on lattices of size $163 \times 32$ with two
mass-degenerate light sea quarks and two+one valence quarks.
Several configuration ensembles with pion masses ranging from $300$ to
$550$ MeV and lattice spacings close to $0.15\,$ fm are investigated.
The analysis of the states is done with the...