Ferdinando Gliozzi
18/06/2010, 16:40
Theoretical developments
The entanglement of inaccessible subsystems of a quantum system may modify, under certain conditions, the universality class of its phase transitions. Numerical experiments on critical Ising model in two dimensions
indicate that its modified universality class is well described by the Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov relations.
Yannick Meurice Meurice
(University of Iowa)
18/06/2010, 17:20
Theoretical developments
We discuss the possibility of extending the RG flows to complex coupling spaces. We argue that the Fisher's zeros
are located at the boundary of the complex basin of attraction of IR fixed points. We support this picture with numerical calculations at finite volume for 2D O(N) models and the hierarchical Ising model using the two-lattice matching method. We present numerical evidence...
Nigel Cundy
(Universität Regensburg)
18/06/2010, 17:40
Theoretical developments
Until recent work, chiral gauge theories constructed on the lattice have violated CP symmetry. This has caused difficulties in constructing, for example, the electroweak theory on the lattice ,where applying standard CP symmetry generates a non-local shift in the fermion propagator in the presence of a Higgs field. Starting from Wilson's formulation of the re-normalisation group, using a...