Simon Dinter
(NIC, DESY Zeuthen)
14/06/2010, 16:40
Hadronic structure and interactions
We present a lattice calculation of nucleon matrix elements with twisted mass fermions.
In this talk we focus on results for the moments of parton distributions.
The relevant renormalization constants are carried out non-perturbatively.
Frank Winter
(QCDSF Collaboration)
14/06/2010, 17:00
Hadronic structure and interactions
In this talk we will report on recent results of the QCDSF Collaboration on investigations
of baryon structure using configurations generated with Nf=2+1 dynamical flavours of O(a)-improved
Wilson fermions. With the strange quark mass as an additional dynamical degree of freedom in
our simulations we avoid the need for a partially quenched approximation when
investigating the properties of...
Bernhard Musch
(Jefferson Lab, USA)
14/06/2010, 17:20
Hadronic structure and interactions
Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions encode information about the intrinsic motion of quarks in the nucleon. We present first calculations on the lattice, based on MILC gauge configurations and propagators from LHPC. The resulting spin-dependent densities exhibit visible dipole deformations in the nucleon. For our exploratory calculations we employ a non-local operator...
Shigemi Ohta
(IPNS/KEK and SOKENDAI Graduate University of Advanced Studies and RBRC/BNL)
14/06/2010, 17:40
Hadronic structure and interactions
We report the status of nucleon structure calculations on the 2+1 flavor domain-wall fermions ensembles with pion masses as low as 180 MeV on a lattice with about 4.5 fm spatial extent. A combination of the Iwasaki+dislocation- suppressing-determinant-ratio (I+DSDR) gauge action and DWF fermion action allows us to generate these ensembles at cutoff of about 1.4 GeV while keeping the residual...
Thomas Rae
(The University of Southampton)
14/06/2010, 18:00
Hadronic structure and interactions
We calculate the first two moments of the light-cone distribution amplitudes for the pseudoscalar mesons (pi and K) and the longitudinally polarised vector mesons (rho, K* and phi) as part of the UKQCD and RBC collaborations' N_f=2+1 domain-wall fermion phenomenology programme. These quantities were obtained with a good precision and, in particular, the expected effects of SU(3)-flavour...