Pavel Buividovich
(ITEP (Moscow, Russia) and JINR (Dubna, Russia))
15/06/2010, 08:30
Chiral symmetry
We study the correlator of two vector currents in quenched lattice gauge theory with chirally invariant lattice Dirac operator with constant external magnetic field. It is found that in the confinement phase the correlator of the components of the current parallel to the magnetic field decays much slower than in the absence of magnetic field, while for other components the correlation length...
Manuel Weingart
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
15/06/2010, 08:50
Chiral symmetry
We consider 2-flavour QCD with light quark masses in a small spatial box, where the low lying excitations are that of an $O(4)$ rotator. This problem can be treated in chiral perturbation theory ($\delta$-regime). Up to NNL order the final result depends only on a few low energy constants $F$, $\Lambda_1$, $\Lambda_2$ and $B$. Comparing these results with that of numerical simulations in QCD...
Giannis Koutsou
(University of Wuppertal and Juelich Supercomputing Center)
15/06/2010, 09:10
Chiral symmetry
We present a Wilson type operator obtained by including terms in both the Laplacian as well as the first-derivative stencil, such that the resulting operator remains within a hypercube. Motivated by the effect this improvement has on the eigenvalue spectrum, we investigate the approach to the continuum limit of several physical quantities. Throughout we compare to the standard Wilson operator.
Christoph Lehner
(RIKEN/BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY-11973, USA)
15/06/2010, 09:30
Chiral symmetry
We calculate the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) contributions in the epsilon expansion with a small imaginary chemical potential and discuss their relevance to Dirac eigenvalue correlators. We show how to minimize systematic deviations from random-matrix theory by an optimal choice of lattice geometry in the case of two light quark flavors. Finally, we determine the low-energy...