Michael Donnellan
(NIC, DESY Zeuthen)
15/06/2010, 10:30
Weak decays and matrix elements
We study an efficient method for the lattice calculation of the B*Bpi-coupling in the static limit, a parameter of the heavy meson chiral Lagrangian, paying particular attention to excited state contamination. Precise studies of the continuum limit in the quenched approximation and of the chiral behaviour with 2 flavours of improved Wilson quarks (using CLS lattices) for pion masses down to...
Eduardo Follana
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
15/06/2010, 10:50
Weak decays and matrix elements
I'll give an update on the status of HPQCD's heavy hisq programme. We use a highly improved, relativistic staggered quark action to calculate masses, mass splittings and decay constants for B_s, B_c and heavyonium states.
James Simone
15/06/2010, 11:10
Weak decays and matrix elements
We present summary results for the leptonic decay constants $f_{D}$,
$f_{D_s}$, $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from the now concluded initial phase of
the Fermilab and MILC Collaboration's program in flavor physics. The
decay constants are computed on the MILC collaboration's $2+1$ flavor
Asqtad gauge ensembles. We use clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab
interpretation and Asqtad improved staggered...
Benoit Blossier
(CNRS/LPT Orsay)
15/06/2010, 11:30
Weak decays and matrix elements
We report about a preliminary extraction of masses and decay constants of the lowest pseudoscalar B meson states from lattice simulations with Nf=2 Wilson-Clover dynamical quarks, using a procedure recently presented by the ALPHA Collaboration. The heavy quark is described by Heavy Quark Effective Theory developed up to 1/m_b. Coefficients of the effective theory have been determined non...
Nicolas Garron
(University of Edinburgh)
15/06/2010, 11:50
Weak decays and matrix elements
We present our computation of the HQET Lagrangian parameters and those of the time component of the heavy-light axial current, including 1/m corrections.
They are obtained by matching non-perturbatively (in a small volume) HQET to QCD,
with nf=2 flavors of dynamical quarks, and with quark masses going from the charm to beauty.
These parameters can be used to compute the b-quark mass and...
Christopher Kelly
(University of Edinburgh)
15/06/2010, 12:10
Weak decays and matrix elements
We present light pseudoscalar physics in the continuum limit of
2+1 flavour domain wall QCD by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations.
We make use of a fermion action with good chiral symmetry
and use two different lattice spacings.
We use a new approach to match ensembles within the range of
simulated masses, and apply a simultaneous chiral and continuum
extrapolation. We present...