Vincent Drach
15/06/2010, 10:30
Hadron spectroscopy
We present first results on the octet and decuplet strange baryon
spectrum with N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass quarks using a mixed action
approach. Namely, we use an Osterwalder Seiler valence strange quark
with a mass matched to the kaon mass computed with the unitary action.
We also present results in the unitary setup, and compare with those
obtained in the mixed action.
This comparison...
Derek Leinweber
(University of Adelaide)
15/06/2010, 10:50
Hadron spectroscopy
Recent developments on the determination of the spin-1/2 spectrum of
the nucleon in full QCD are presented. Our focus is on the PACS-CS
2+1 flavour configurations made available through the ILDG. Using
correlation matrix techniques, in which a wide variety of
gauge-invariant Gaussian-smeared fermion-propagator sources and sinks
are considered, excited states are determined. We consider...
Stephen Wallace
(Univ. of Maryland)
15/06/2010, 11:10
Hadron spectroscopy
The energies of excited states of the Nucleon, Delta and Omega baryons are calculated for Nf = 2+1 QCD using a 16^3x128 lattice. The calculations are performed for three values of the light quark mass with the strange quark mass fixed at its physical value. The corresponding values of pion mass are: 392(4), 438(3) and 521(3) MeV. For each baryon, six states are obtained in each of the 6...
Mauro Papinutto
(LPSC Grenoble)
15/06/2010, 11:30
Hadron spectroscopy
We consider the mass spectrum for strange and charmed baryons in the
partially quenched approach using the Nf=2 twisted mass configurations.
The strange and the charmed octet and decuplet are computed, as well as
some strange-charmed baryons.
Several issues are investigated : the tuning of the strange and charm
quark mass; the study of lattice artifacts using three values of the
Kostas Orginos
(College of William and Mary / JLab)
15/06/2010, 11:50
Hadron spectroscopy
The signal to noise ratio of baryon two point functions grows exponentially with Euclidean time hindering reliable extraction of the energy levels of the system. The problem
becomes more acute in the case of two or more baryon correlation functions. For this reason special care is needed
in both constructing, and analyzing two point functions of multi-baryon systems. In this talk I will...
Nilmani Mathur
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)
15/06/2010, 12:10
Hadron spectroscopy
We report meson spectra obtained by using valence overlap fermion propagators generated on a background of 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion gauge configurations on the $16^3 \times 32$, $24^3 \times 64$ and $32^3 \times 64$ lattices. We use many-to-all correlators with $Z_3$ grid source and low eigenmode substitution which is more efficient in reducing errors for the hadron correlators. Three...