taichi kawanai
(Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)
18/06/2010, 14:30
Hadronic structure and interactions
Low energy charmonium-nucleon interaction is of particular interest in this talk. The heavy quarkonium state such as the charmonium($c\bar{c}$) state does not share the same quark flavor with the nucleon so that $c\bar{c}$-nucleon interaction might be described by the gluonic van der Waals interaction, which is weak but attractive. Therefore, the detail information of $c\bar{c}$-nucleon...
Shoichi Sasaki
(University of Tokyo)
18/06/2010, 14:50
Hadronic structure and interactions
We study the charmonium-nucleon interations at low energies by extended L¥"ushcer formula with partially twisted boundary conditions, which allows us to calculate the s-wave phase shift at any small value of the relative momentum even in a finite volume. Our exploratory studeis are carried out in quenched lattice QCD with non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions for light quarks and a...
Takashi Inoue
(Nihon University, College of Bioresource Sciences)
18/06/2010, 15:10
Hadronic structure and interactions
We report our recent study of the baryon-baryon interactions from lattice QCD.
In the flavor SU(3) limit, two octet-baryon states are labeled by
six flavor irreducible multiplet. In particular for the S-wave,
there are flavor 27-plet, octet and singlet for spin singlet states(1S_0),
and flavor anti-decuplet, decuplet and octet for spin triplet states(3S_1).
These states provide...
Kenji Sasaki
(University of Tsukuba)
18/06/2010, 15:30
Hadronic structure and interactions
We investigate baryon-baryon interactions with strangeness S=-2 and isospin I=0 system from Lattice QCD.
The study of S=-2 system opens a gate of multi-strangeness hadronic world and provides the unified understanding of YN and YY interactions.
A satisfactory description of YN and YY interaction is not yet obtained with use of phenomenological meson exchange model due to the lack of the...
Takumi Doi
(University of Tsukuba)
18/06/2010, 15:50
Hadronic structure and interactions
Recent researches in nuclear/astro physics are pointing to the important role of the three baryon force. It suffers, however, huge uncertainties to this date, and the direct determination from QCD is highly desirable. As a first step to obtain the complete information of the three baryon force, we study the effective two nucleon potential in the three nucleon system. The effective potential is...