Keiichi Nagai
(KEK, Theory Center)
17/06/2010, 16:40
Applications beyond QCD
We explore aspects of the phase structure of $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ lattice gauge theories at strong coupling
with many flavours $N_f$ of Wilson fermions in the fundamental representation.
The pseudoscalar meson mass and the quark mass as a function of hopping parameter
are observed to deviate from the expected analytic dependence, at least for sufficiently large $N_f$.
Implications of...
Liam Keegan
(Edinburgh University)
17/06/2010, 17:00
Applications beyond QCD
We present a Monte Carlo renormalization group study of the SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions in the adjoint representation. Using the two lattice matching tecnhique recently advocated and exploited by Anna Hasenfratz, we measure the running of the coupling and the anomalous mass dimension.
Thomas Pickup
(University of Oxford)
17/06/2010, 17:20
Applications beyond QCD
We simulate SU(2) gauge theory with six massless fundamental Dirac fermions.
By using the Schrödinger Functional method we measure the running of the
coupling and the fermion mass over a wide range of length scales. We observe
very slow running of the coupling and construct an estimator for the fermion
mass anomalous dimension at an IR fixed point. Our results are consistent with
Hiroshi Ohki
(Osaka University)
17/06/2010, 17:40
Applications beyond QCD
We present our preliminary study of the SU(2) gauge
theory with 8 flavor of fermions in
fundamental representation.
This theory could be a candidate of
the gauge theory with conformal fixed point.
By studying physical observables such as
running gauge coupling
in twisted boundary conditions,
we investigate a possible signal for a conformal behavior.