James Osborn
(Argonne National Lab)
I will present an adaptive multigrid Dirac solver developed for Wilson
clover fermions which offers order-of-magnitude reductions in solution
time compared to conventional Krylov solvers. The solver incorporates
even-odd preconditioning and mixed precision to solve the Dirac
equation to double precision accuracy and shows only a mild increase
in time to solution for decreasing quark mass. I will show actual
time to solution on production lattices in comparison to conventional
Krylov solvers and will also discuss the setup process and its
relative cost to the total solution time.
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Primary author
James Osborn
(Argonne National Lab)
C. Rebbi
J. Brannick
(Penn. State)
M. A. Clark
R. Babich
R. C. Brower
S. D. Cohen