Massimo Di Pierro
(DePaul University)
Vis is a system that implements Software as a Service for Lattice QCD computations. At its core it is a repository of gauge confurations with web and web services interfaces. It gives users the ability to queue tasks and execute them in background. Tasks can be FermiQCD program and/or visualization algorithms (topological charge, polyakov lines, evergy density, etc.). The web services are accessible from a comman line script that allows for example, to upload all gauge configurations in the current folder and request the server to make a plot of the average plaquette and generate a movie of the topological charge. It interfaces with VisIt (also running serverside) for 3D visualizations and matplotlib for 2D plots. Data and results are automatically posted online and controlled by a role based access control mechanism. All major tasks can be executed directly from the web interface.
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Primary author
Massimo Di Pierro
(DePaul University)