A novel dynamical mechanism of elementary particle mass generation has recently been conjectured and numerically demonstrated by lattice simulations (Phys .Rev. Lett. 123 061802 (2019)) in a simple SU(3) gauge model where a SU(2) doublet of strongly interacting fermions is coupled to a complex scalar field doublet through a Yukawa and a Wilson-like term. As a first step towards building a natural (`a la ’t-Hooft) extension of the Standard Model, we argue that in the presence of weak gauge interactions the mechanism above, acting as a kind of non-perturbative anomaly, yields for both elementary fermions and weak gauge bosons effective masses proportional to the Λ–parameter of the theory, with particle–specific gauge coupling dependent prefactors. The low energy effective description of models based on such a mechanism is discussed, with focus on the predictive power about the scale of New Physics (Λ–parameter in the few TeV range) and its relation to the electroweak scale (and the Higgs boson mass).