The low-energy e+e- colliders provide important information on hadronic cross sections from e+e- annihilation. Besides rich dynamics involved in hadron production itself, such measurements also give an input to the calculation of various fundamental quantities like the muon g-2, the effective running fine structure constant and others from various QCD applications. A review of R(s) measurement will be presented, focusing on recent results from the Novosibirsk e+e- experiments.
An alternative way to calculate the leading order hadronic contribution (aHLOμ) to theoretical prediction of the muon g-2 is possible with the recently proposed MUonE experimentwhich proposes to extract it from the differential cross section of the elastic scattering μe→μe process by using 150 GeV muon beam available in CERN. The overview of this proposal will be presented.
Such activity is strengthen by the longstanding 3 ÷ 4 sigma deviation between the SM prediction and the experimental muon g-2 measurement, where on experimental side a fourfold improvement is expected soon by FermiLab (E989) and J-PARC (E34).