Multi-messenger science potential with current detectors: Multi-messenger science potential with current detectors
- Helios Vocca (PG)
The spectacular detection of the first electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave event detected by the LIGO/Virgo interferometers and originated by the coalescence of a double neutron star system (GW 170817) marked the dawn of a new era for astronomy. The short GRB 170817A associated to the GW event provided the long-sought evidence that at least a fraction of short GRBs are...
I will briefly review some of the observational facts of Supernovae from the perspective of multi-messenger astronomy, such as neutrino and GW emissions.
We present a search for gamma-ray bursts in the Fermi-GBM 10 yr catalog that show similar characteristics to GRB 170817A, the first electromagnetic counterpart to a GRB identified as a binary neutron star (BNS) merger via gravitational wave observations. Our search is focused on a nonthermal pulse, followed by a thermal component, as observed for GRB 170817A. We employ search methods based on...
The search and study of the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave signals requires the collaborative efforts of astrophysical researchers with different expertises and extending over the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This motivated the spontaneous constitution of GRAWITA, the GW INAF team, that, since the very beginning, was ready to react to alerts of LIGO-VIRGO...
In this talk I discuss the possibility that the low mass (2.50 ‒ 2.67 M⊙) companion of the 23 M⊙ black hole in the binary merger which produced GW190814 was a strange quark star. This possibility is viable if two families of compact stars, viz., “normal” neutron stars and strange quark stars, can coexist in nature, and neutron stars can get converted into strange quark stars.
The scenario...
Newly-born millisecond magnetars are competing with black holes as source of the gamma-ray burst (GRB) power, mainly with their rotational energy reservoir. Since the GRB central engine remains hidden from direct electromagnetic observations, we discuss how the combined information provided by both the electromagnetic and gravitational signal are the most promising way to unveil its nature....
Continuous gravitational waves (CWs) have not been detected so far, but their emission is expected from various astrophysical systems, like spinning neutron stars, if asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis, and clouds of ultra-light bosons that could form around Kerr black holes as a consequence of superradiance. In this talk I will report some of the most recent results obtained in...