4 febbraio 2010
Dipartimento di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi
Europe/Rome fuso orario


 February 4, 2010 - Sapienza University of Rome
Physics Department -
Amaldi Lecture Room

Chairperson: Prof. Rosario Cantelli

Opening Workshop of the Research Centre HYDRO-ECO
"Hydrogen as an alternative and ecological energy carrier"

Hydro-Eco is a Research Centre of “Sapienza” University of Rome, which has been recently instituted with the mission of developing scientific and technological activities focused on the study of materials and processes for the energy storage, conversion and utilization, possibly from renewable sources.
Those activities are conducted in close collaboration with Universities, Research Institutions and Industrial Partners. The main topics are: materials for the solid state hydrogen storage and purification, PEM fuel cells and bio fuel cells, high efficiency batteries, like lithium-ion and metal hydride batteries. Particular attention is devoted to new procedures for the synthesis on a nanoscale of electrodes and electrolyte materials and of the hydrogen absorbing hybrid systems. The scientific and technological objectives also include the development of prototypes in collaboration with Industries.
The Centre is characterized by a marked interdisciplinarity and involves Researchers from six Departments, 4 from the Engineering Faculty and 2 from the Science Faculty (Physics and Chemistry), besides Associates from other Universities and Research Centres.
Aim of the Workshop, which will gather Research, Industry and Government Institutions, is that of discussing on the novel methods for the nanoscale synthesis of materials for energy, presenting latest results, and giving an overview on the Italian relevant activities in this field.



Local Organizing Secretariat: Mrs. Fernanda Lupinacci
Physics Department - Sapienza University of Rome - P.le Aldo Moro,2 -00185 Rome Italy