Session 16
- Paola Arias Reyes
The International Axion Observatory, IAXO is a large-scale axion helioscope that will look for axions and axion-like particles (ALPs), produced in the Sun and it is conceived to reach a sensitivity on the axion photon coupling in the range of 10-12 GeV-1. On the way to IAXO, a smaller experiment baby-IAXO is in the construction phase. Baby-IAXO will be important to test all IAXO subsystems...
Ultralight axion-like particles are well-motivated dark matter candidates, emerging naturally from theories of physics at ultrahigh energies. We report the results of the Search for Halo Axions with Ferromagnetic Toroids (SHAFT) - a direct search for the electromagnetic interaction of axion-like dark matter in the mass range that spans three decades from 12 peV to 12 neV [1]. The detection...