14–18 Jun 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

Axion searches in the next ten years

16 Jun 2021, 14:50
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Prof. Sungwoo Youn (IBS/CAPP and UST)


The axion, originated from the Peccei-Quinn mechanism proposed to solve the strong-CP problem, is one of the most appealing dark matter candidates.
Since its prediction, there have been various experimental searches based on novel ideas and now is starting to reach theoretically interesting sensitivity levels.
Enormous progress in a wide range of technologies has also been made to widen the search range as well as to enhance sensitivities.
The next ten years would be critical to explore a large fraction of the axion parameter space and hence shed light on the two fundamental mysteries in physics.
We overview of the current status of direct axion search programs and discuss the future prospects.

Speaker SungWoo Youn

Primary author

Prof. Sungwoo Youn (IBS/CAPP and UST)

Presentation materials