We discuss the computation of the radiated energy by an accelerated heavy particle. This quantity is captured by the one-point function of the stress energy tensor in presence of a Wilson line. In a N=2 superconformal theory we prove that this observable is exactly related to a small geometric deformation of the background geometry. In a four dimensional case, supersymmetric localization...
We study the effective SUSY theory of a surface defect describing the parabolic reduction of gauge connections at punctures on Riemann surfaces, which gives rise to a quiver GLSM. We will show how the partition function of such a theory naturally computes certain virtual invariants of the moduli spaces of stable representations of the quiver and how these results relate to a conjecture of...
We consider the third order differential equation derived from the deformed Seiberg-Witten differential for pure ${\cal N}=2$ SYM with gauge group $SU(3)$ in Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of $\Omega$-background. We show that this is the same differential equation that emerges in the context of Ordinary Differential Equation/Integrable Models (ODE/IM) correspondence for $2d$ $A_2$ Toda CFT with...