Oct 21 – 23, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Practical Info

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Aula Magna del Rettorato, Via Verdi, 8 - 10124 Torino [1] in the picture

Fee and meals
There is no registration fee.

  • The organization will cover coffee breaks, lunches (but Wednesday) and the social
    dinner on Tuesday 22nd at the Ristorante del Circolo dei Lettori ([2] in the above picture) for up to 60 guests and TabenaLibaria ([3] in the above picture) for the remaining at 830pm.

  • Travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by participants.


We strongly advise all participants to reserve their hotel accommodation as soon as possible.

The venue is the Rectorate (via Verdi 8, 10123 Torino) which is located near via Po, very close to Piazza Castello the very center of Torino.


Turin is easily reachable by (high speed) train and plane to Caselle airport.
Connection with Caselle airport is by bus (SADEM) in 45 minutes (~6 euros) or taxi in 20 minutes (~35 euros).
It is pleasant to walk from the Porta Nuova Station to the conference venue, or you can use public transportations (GTT).

  • String Theory

  • Sugra

  • Various

  • QFT